Buying Organic - Why Buy Organic Spices and Herbs?

I have had a number of friends ask me why organic spices and herbs are worth the little extra it costs to buy them. The question usually comes up something like; "What's the difference between what I buy at the grocery store and what is offered online?"

Really, you know what, that's a question worth addressing. The fact is that what is available in a store online is targeted to the consumer who has already make the decision to buy organic and is willing to spend a little bit more for the highest quality of spices and herbs that are available. That buyer represents a small slice of the population who use spices, herbs and seasonings and clearly does not represent the mindset of the shopper who goes to the grocery store on a weekly basis and has more of a "salt and pepper" approach to cooking.


There are primarily two reasons to buy organic spices, herbs and seasonings. You're Health, better flavor, and if there is a third reason, it would be for the health of our planet.

Buying Organic - Why Buy Organic Spices and Herbs?

Organic spices and herbs are grown without using chemicals and unnatural fertilizers. The benefits should be obvious. What we avoid, in terms of ingesting unknown chemicals that may cause cancer, heart disease and other health related concerns, protects us. To be certified organic a grower must grow on land that has not had synthetic fertilizers, growth regulators, insecticides, or herbicides applied to it for a minimum of three years. If not grown organic, you just don't know what you're getting.

The fact is that organic herbs and spices just taste better. Standards for processing, storage, packaging and shipping of these products almost assure that they are fresher and more favorable. Look for a supplier that date stamps their packaging so you know what you are buying is not something that has out lived it's shelf life. The benefit to you, as a consumer, is that you don't have to guess about the quality and freshness of the product you buy.

If you care about Mother Earth then you probably already buy organic and if you don't it may be reason enough to consider the move. Because organically grown foods, herbs and spices don't add pesticides, fertilizers and other dangerous chemicals to the environment the natural balance of the land is maintained. Streams, rivers, lakes and our underground water supplies have less risk of becoming polluted. Bottom line, we all benefit as good stewards of the land while we eat well and stay healthy.


Buying Organic - Why Buy Organic Spices and Herbs?

Doug Stranahan is the owner of and knows the importance of picking the right organic spice for the right job.