Cucurbitin and fatty oil, contained in cucumber seeds, may have mild diuretic properties when ingested and a soothing effect when used topically. Cucumber flower may be a mild diuretic. Cucumber is high in potassium. It's available as emollient ointments and lotions.
Reported uses
\"health Food\"
Cucumber is used to treat high and low blood pressure, to cool and soothe irritated skin in patients with sunburn, and to provide fragrance in perfumes. It's also used as a cooling and beautifying agent.
Apply lotion or cream topically to affected areas, as needed. Wash with cucumber soaps and shower/bath gels as needed.
Adverse effects associated with oral use of cucumber include fluid loss and electrolyte imbalances. Excessive use of cucumber may potentiate the effect of diuretics, leading to fluid and electrolyte disturbances.
Pregnant and breast-feeding patients should avoid medicinal use of cucumber.
Clinical considerations
Monitor patient for serum electrolyte imbalances. Monitor patient's fluid intake and output.
Warn patient not to treat swelling or edema with cucumber before seeking appropriate medical evaluation because doing so may delay diagnosis of a potentially serious medical condition.
If patient is pregnant or breast-feeding, advise her not to use cucumber medicinally.
Advise patient to promptly report adverse reactions to his health care provider.
Tell patient to remind prescriber and pharmacist of any herbal or dietary supplement that he's taking when obtaining a new prescription.
Advise patient to consult his health care provider before using an herbal preparation because a treatment with proven efficacy may be available.
Research summary
The concepts behind the use of cucumber and the claims made regarding its effects have not yet been validated scientifically.
Cucumber - Uses and Side Effects
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